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Shareholder Activism Update

Ethinvest continues to drive positive change within companies on behalf of our clients. We’ve stood proudly with Market Forces and ACCR in shareholder resolutions at Woodside Energy, Santos and Whitehaven Coal to pressure these companies to manage down their fossil fuel production in line with a net zero emissions by 2050 pathway. Most notably, over 18% of Santos shareholders voted with us in favour.

We’ve also voiced our concerns directly with Macquarie Group, Partners Group, Wilson Asset Management and Morningstar when we noticed unethical or poor decarbonisation efforts.

Thanks to all our clients who have supported our shareholder activist efforts to drive positive change.

To learn more about the latest shareholder activim click here


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Shareholder Activism

Every month, our Shareholder Activists clients and partners are involved in driving change through the boardrooms of corporate Australia - and beyond.  

Please click here to learn more about our recent campaigns.


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