Philanthropic Giving
Ethinvest is committed to promoting and upholding responsible environmental, social and corporate governance practices and see shareholder advocacy as a powerful way to effect positive changes.
Supporting philanthropy was a founding goal of Ethinvest and our directors and staff are actively engaged in this field on a personal basis. We assist many not-for-profits, NGOs, charities and foundations to invest their funds for long-term benefit and meaningful impact.
In addition, we assist many people to structure their giving, select the most appropriate beneficiaries and ensure donations and investments are strategically aligned.
To further these efforts, we established the Ethinvest Foundation in 2006 and the Community Impact Foundation in 2014.
Community Impact Foundation
The Community Impact Foundation provides clients an opportunity to create their own personally named Giving Fund.
With an initial tax-deductible gift of $50,000, a Giving Fund offers a structured approach to charitable giving with the corpus managed by Ethinvest, invested in a portfolio that is ethically aligned.
To date, the Community Impact Foundation has over 50 Giving Funds and has already donated over $8 million to various charities, demonstrating its impactful work.
To learn more, please contact us or visit the Community Impact Foundation website
Ethinvest Foundation
Established in 2006 by our founder, Ross Knowles, the Ethinvest Foundation, originally named the Ross Knowles Foundation, was created to support charities working to protect the Australian environment and address the escalating threat of climate change.
To date, the Ethinvest Foundation has donated over $2.5 million to Australian charities.
The Ethinvest Foundation’s corpus is invested in ethical and impact investments, including renewable energy, regenerative agriculture, recycling, the circular economy and social infrastructure.
To learn more, please contact us or visit the Ethinvest Foundation website