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Fish on the menu? Check out AMCS’s Good Fish Guide

Is fish on your Christmas or New Year menu? If so, check out the new Australian Marine Conservation Society’s (AMCS) Good Seafood Guide to help you ensure you are buying seafood that helps protect our ocean biodiversity. The excellent AMCS tool helps empower you to act on the growing concern about the impact of fishing on our ocean ecosystems and their wildlife. A simple choice can support an abundance of fresh and local seafood including an extensive list of fish and shellfish.

If you prefer eating out to cooking in over the holidays, the AMCS has you covered with its Sustainable Seafood Restaurant Guide. Check to see if your favourite dining out spot takes steps to source sustainable fish and shellfish with this handy guide that includes restaurants in Sydney, Melbourne, Darwin, Hobart and Perth.

The AMCS team has also just launched a new guide to canned tuna brands outlining which are the most sustainable. Canned tuna is a staple of the Aussie pantry with an astounding 45 million kilos of it imported in the last financial year alone — nearly the weight of the Sydney Harbour Bridge (Fisheries and Aquaculture Outlook, 2023) in one year! The AMCS team are regularly asked “which canned tuna should I buy?” so they put together their best advice on how you can check your tinned tuna and see how it stacks up.

The AMCS guide considers three key elements: The health of the tuna population, the bycatch impacts in the fishery and accessibility of information.

Share these excellent guides with your friends and family this holiday season and better yet, have a sustainable seafood Christmas!

Click below for the AMCS Guides:

You can also visit for more information, an app is also available for download on IOS or Android to check your seafood sources on the go!


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